Hello there! It’s been a while.
I took a long break, but I’m back. :)
Half of January has already gone by this year, and I feel a bit of a progress report on my 2023 is overdue. So here it is. Eh-hem!
1. I established myself as an expert of Coaching English in Korea
I translated a book for the first time. It’s a book written by one of my mentors, Alex Verlek, called Golden Rules of Coaching (코칭의 황금률). When I finished the translation, we couldn’t find a publisher, so I registered my business as a publisher, edited the whole damn book with the help of a few supporters, and then published it myself. Now you can buy the hard copy & e-Book on Kyobo Bookstore, which is the largest online bookstore in the country. It's a short book, but the whole thing took over a year with so many challenges to overcome. At this point, I don't ever want to translate and edit another publication again, but I'm already committed to a couple of translation projects this year! 😆
Order your copy 코칭의 황금률 주문하기:
I also interpreted 12 Co-Active Core Curriculum courses. That’s 36 full days of Co-Active coaching immersion, Fulfillment to Synergy repeated three times interpreting everything the Co-Active Leaders were saying verbatim. This makes me feel like a superhero.
I also translated the Interpretation Manual of Leadership Circle Profile from English to Korean. THAT was another massive translation project and I'm really proud of being able to contribute to LC's launch in Korea. I also got to interpret the certification course for Leadership Circle, which was a big challenge but also a wonderful refresher. I'm so grateful that I get to do these works purely because I happen to speak one of the most commonly spoken languages pretty well.
2. I actively coached corporate leaders & entrepreneurs.
It took some time to build momentum, but, all in all, I spent 252 hours coaching 93 leaders from various industries in total last year. And guess how much of that happened in the 2nd half of 2023? A whopping 85%! By Q4, my schedule was full to the brim, exactly as I had wished. It was a truly prolific six months in which I got to exercise my coaching expertise at full scale. I coached men & women, managers, directors, and executives from renewable energy, consulting, travel retail, cryptocurrency, tobacco, FMCG, chemicals, beauty, and more. 2.5 years and tens of thousands of dollars in investment in learning to become a great coach was finally paying off!
I also started activating my own coaching program called Redesign Productivity, which helps businesswomen redesign their mindset around productivity so that they can spend their time and energy on truly important matters while achieving their business and personal goals. Thanks to my business coach Kat Knecht & her program Evolve Your Coaching Business, I built a pretty strong marketing foundation. I expect to continue this trend and even add more training activities in coaching and leadership to the basket this year!
A year ago, I envisioned that my schedule would be fully booked with coaching & teaching and I’m living that.
3. I became free from chronic pain & constant inflammation.
I went from 66.4 kg last July to about 56.5kg now (and still counting down!). I kinda wish I took photos of my change like the ones on social media that show the before and the after with bare minimum clothes (or rather cloths) on my body, but I suppose I'm just not that diligent about keeping records to show off.
In any case, I was prone to inflammation when under stress, and constantly battled with chronic arthritic ankles and back, volcanic zits on my face, or nasty gum inflammation out of nowhere (I had to cut my vacation in Vietnam short by 2 days because of the awful toothache), occasional tonsilitis, or random inflammation in my eyes, etc. Then, last year, I ended up reading a book that talked about how inflammation is the root cause of all serious diseases like diabetes, cancer & dementia. It also said obesity is one of the conditions that are susceptible to inflammation. This hit me pretty hard because Dad has Alzheimer’s & Mom suffered cancer last year (She’s okay now!). Both of these incidents profoundly disturbed me, obviously, and learning about the impact of inflammation really motivated me to do something about my pandemic weight. I got some help from traditional Korean medicine to suppress my appetite and speed up my metabolism, started exercising a bit, and restricted my diet, and 6 months later voila! I’m happy to report that I’m (almost) free from chronic pain. The back is tricky, but it’s well enough for me to start doing yoga again, which is revolutionary.
A year ago, I envisioned that I would become free from chronic back & ankle pain and I’m living that.
4. I rediscovered the joy of reading.
In 2022, I barely read 6 books. I wanted to rectify that and shift my relationship with reading, remembering that, once upon a time, I used to be a voracious reader. So, I joined a local book club and gave myself more time and structure for reading. As a result, in 2023, I finished 25 books. I’m really proud of that. Some were better than others. Some really hit me hard, like the book about inflammation or the novels by Delia Owens and Margaret Atwood. In case any fellow nerd out there wants to see what I read, I included the list below.
The most precious gain from this reading experience was that I met some amazing women in the book club who always impressed me with their passion, knowledge, and wisdom. It was a great year of reading and I want to not only continue this winning streak but also even start my own book club. I’ll tell you more about that when I'm ready.
A year ago, I envisioned that I would become a regular reader again and I’m living that.
The books I actually finished reading in 2023 (The ones in red are my favs)
The Power of Habits by Charles Duhigg
The Prosperous Coach by Rich Litvin, Steve Chandler
Can't Buy My Love: How Advertising Changes the Way We Think and Feel by Jean Kilbourne 부드럽게 여성을 죽이는 법 - 진 킬본
이너게임 - 티머시 골웨이 Inner Game by Timothy Gallway
Mastering Leadership by Anderson & Adams
외사랑 - 히가시노 게이코 Unrequited Love (One-Sided Love) by Geiko Higashino
You’re a badass at making money by Jen Cincero (Audio, Eng)
Evolve Your Coaching Business - Kat Knecht (Eng)
아빠, 나를 죽이지 마세요. 테리 트루먼 지음 Stuck in Neutral by Terry Trueman (Kor)
Finding Me by Viola Davis (Audio, Eng)
Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood (Kor)
The Beginner’s Guide to Stoicism by Matthew J. van Natta (Eng)
염증 해방 - 병 없이 오래 사는 사람들의 비밀 - 정세연 지음
Atomic Habits by James Clear (Audio, Eng)
Atlas of the Heart: Mapping Meaningful Connection and the Language of Human Experience by Brene Brown (Audio, Eng)
The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle (2nd read, Kor)
Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens (Kor)
We Should All Be Millionaires by Rachel Rodgers (Audio, Eng)
내 어깨 위의 두 친구 - 이수연
The Boy, The Mole, The Fox, and the Horse by Charlie Mackesy 소년과 두더지와 여우와 말 - 찰리 맥커시 (Kor)
그렇게 죽지 않는다 - 홍영아
나는 동물 - 홍은진
불렛저널 - 라이더 캐롤 The Bullet Journal Method by Ryder Carroll (Eng. 2nd)
감정문해력 수업 - 유승민
The Outsider by Stephen King (Audio, Eng)
코칭리더십 - 존 휘트모어 Coaching for Performance by John Whitmore (Kor)
5. I took an overseas trip with my mom.
This was historical first. The less than a handful of times we traveled just the two of us had all been domestic. Ironically, the trip became possible after she made a difficult decision to place Dad in the nursing home. She totally deserved to enjoy the freedom after decades of serving him. This was also my first time going overseas since the Pandemic. In Vietnam, we got to try a lot of fun new things, eat a lot of fun new stuff, and develop a stronger bond. We didn’t get to do that for a long time. This was definitely the biggest highlight for me and something I’m really proud of more than anything.
A year ago, I envisioned that I would share a joyful traveling experience with mom and I’m living that.
The Vision WORKS!
I share all these today not to brag how rosy and triumphant my life is, which it isn’t. (I’ll save another day to tell that story.) I share all these to remind you that articulating in visual forms the life you want to live and the person you want to be and having it laid out in front of you as a reminder every day is an extremely powerful manifestation tool. A vision board works. It has worked for me for many years and for many others who aspire to stretch themselves beyond their limits and live out their potential.
What’s your vision for 2024?
If you've already got some ideas, I'd love to hear about it. Please comment below!
If you don’t have your vision or you are not clear about it, come join the second circle of my Vision 2024 workshop, which will take place online on February 8th at free of charge.
It’s always better late than never.
Wanna find out more about my program?
Joonyoung Kim, CPCC, ACC, KPC, CPTD, is a Productivity & Leadership Coach based in Korea. She is passionate about helping businesswomen redesign productivity so that they can spend their time and energy on things that matter the most while creating a thriving business. She's certified by ICF, Co-Active Training Institute & Leadership Circle and partners with Ezra Coaching, Leadership Circle and Coachdot as an executive coach. She coaches & trains in English or Korean on Zoom across time zones.